As reported by Macca:
An aching body, numb backside and a spot of heartburn is nothing a 120km and 1060m ride through the beautiful Algarve with the wonderful Waldys can’t fix!

We headed out once again through Lagos and over some lumps and bumps towards Silves, stopping for coffee here in a quaint cobbled street off the main drag. Every few minutes, we were dodged by runners struggling in the heat to reach a finishing line in the town centre, whose toil was only made greater by the arrival of a lorry filled with tables and chairs for the cafe. Proving that us Brits aren’t all bad, and because we were totally in the way, we unloaded the lorry to make sure we really did earn our 27th custard tart of the trip.
We climbed up and away from coffee, and kept climbing. The countryside was some of the most lush today with butterflies, birds, flora and fauna lining the route. There was a particularly wonderful section of winding road where the ‘Elegant’ group picked up some serious speed downhill. We looped back round to Silves for a much needed picnic lunch and a group photograph where, of course, two of the tour divas decided to scale the town’s giant letters.

Post lunch it was a race to the bar overlooking the bay back in Lagos - but not before ice cream (with beer) in the town centre!

A number of beers were consumed…before sense prevailed and we headed back up the hill of doom to the hotel.

A quick dip in the pool and then we headed off to our final group dinner for plenty of grub, booze and general tomfoolery. As if that wasn’t enough, we decided a club with a rooftop bar was the way forward for us, raising the average age of the punters in the venue by some margin…
At one point, Ted had his coat on and we assumed he’d had enough - we couldn’t have been more wrong. He pointed at each and every one of us in turn and said, ‘Tequila Slammer?’
Many shots were consumed as the hardcore few danced until 5am…just two hours ahead of the first transfer to the airport.
Fortunately, Fred dragged the remaining Waldies back towards the hotel after they’d spoken to some locals and decided a club that was open until 7am was a fabulous idea…
