The 2019 Waldy Wheelers Christmas Dinner was held on Friday 7th December at The Railway public house in Teddington, and included presentations of the 2019 Waldy awards.

The Result of the 2019 Clubman Challenge was a deserving, (and as you will see from the chart) a never in doubt, second consecutive win from Mr Gaskins, with 38 rides - Well done Guy.

Lets see who can give Guy a run for his money next year... We have great hopes in 2020 for our 2019 podium of David Tyas with 33 rides and Rob Jenner with 30 rides, both New Entries to the top 10.
Waldy Challenge: David Denholm (final challenge scores here)
The Extra Mile award: Tom Webster
The Outstanding Achievement award goes to our Waldy couple Doug and Nicola Addecott for their riding coast to coast this summer, from Whitehaven to Tynemouth.
It has been a great year and I would like to say a big thank you to our members for supporting club activities, committee members for running the club and our ride leaders for organising and leading our club rides and keeping everyone safe on the road.
Roll on 2020!!