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Tour 24 - Day 2 - Cap de Formentor

By Tom D

Day 2 on tour was always going to be tough. Tough on the legs after all the climbing with plenty more scheduled for the day. Tough on the heads as most were already 2 nights deep into socialising (some 3 nights). With such beautiful & iconic views the previous day there were concerns that tour viewings had reached a peak. 

However, we were informed at the previous night’s briefing that Day 2 was filled with many options. Option 1 – to ride or not to ride. Option 2 – if you chose to ride do you go to the Lighthouse then continue on the route or return to the hotel. Option 3 – if you choose to continue do you take on the bonus climb. As one can clearly see for every choice you take there was potential for escalation (& elevation).

The main portion of the ride took us to Cap de Formentor where the top end of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range meets the Mediterranean. The lighthouse here offers truly spectacular viewings & was well worth any suffering one might have endured to get there. Check out Simon's trusty drone images ! In fact the whole portion from Pietra to Formentor & back again was simply stunning – riding with the mountain side & Mediterranean on the other with rolling hills, sweeping descents… perfect.

I offered myself a further option prior to setting out that morning – to take tyre levers or to not take tyre levers? Deciding they were an unnecessary weight, unlikely chance of getting a puncture & relying on my group to help me out I chose they could be safely stowed away. Lo & behold… I got a puncture which couldn’t have come at a worse time. Having completed the bonus climb with a few W3’ers & pulling them along the journey I thought I would increase the pace to chase down the other W4’s. Within minutes of leaving the W3 without my draft to follow I punctured! They were chivalrous enough to offer a lever or two whilst waiting for me. Back in my box, I was back on the front pulling at a reasonable pace until the next climb 45 minutes later.


The second climb of the day was sapping on everyone’s legs – the Col de Femenia. 7.2km at an average of 5.7% did not sound massive (after Sa Calobra) but in the midday sun & needing lunch it was a tough one! Again, like the previous day, the end of the climb did not mean the end of climbing for lunch respite. This was to be found in the quaint village of Lluc, where we had lunch the day before. Day 2 was a picnic option in a stunning courtyard outside a monastery.

The final option one had on tour was sparked that evening. Chairman’s Fred pushing his obsession with Tunel de Mallorca vs the Tom’s starting Sherry Club – a welcoming group educating those on the beauty & depth of Sherry. Sherry Club became so popular that we ran the hotel dry of all their lines! Regardless of which camp you found yourself in good fun was had through the night peaking with Richard acting out his definition of ‘frolicking’ – for him it rolling around on the sofa.


With Luke C’s speed wash serviced bib shorts done… Day 2 was over & spirits were high for our final outing...

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